Funded Aug 23, 2023Words cannot express my gratitude for your kind donations to my classroom. I wish I could count the number of times that my teammate and I have used the color printer since it's arrival but that is by far way too many to count.
In our district, our special education department is called Exceptional Children. I love that phrase because I really do believe they are truly exceptional students. The Exceptional Children department also has an extensions program which houses our students with more significant needs. With your donations, we have been able to create a core language board for every desk of every student in our extensions program. This means that every child in that program has access to an picture board that contains a variety of words/vocabulary that comprises more than 70-90% of the words that we use on a daily basis; words like "help", "more", "yes", "no", and "bathroom". These boards make communication accessible to EVERY student.
In addition to functional communication materials, we've also been able to create adaptive books, interactive materials, classroom aids and decorations, and reinforcers. The world truly feels like our oyster when we have access to this color printer, laminator and paper and we cannot say thank you enough.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Palmisano