Past projects 3
Book Worms
Funded May 6, 2024Thanks so much for your countless contributions to my pawsome scholars. Your generosity has not gone unnoticed. We appreciate your time, support, and resources. Please continue to donate to my pawsome friends! My pawsome friends enjoy all of the donations and put it all to great use each time received.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bailey
Different, Not Less
Funded Mar 29, 2024I sincerely appreciate your support of a cause that is very important to me. I'm able to raise awareness among my pawsome friends thanks to you. Maybe the world may be a better place for those with autism by raising awareness of the disability. You guys are very pawsome!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bailey
Appeasing Attendance!
Funded Oct 10, 2023We use the Tigers Den and Huggie Bear Store for our positive behavior interventions and support, and the new resources are useful for them. When students have clear expectations, are regularly acknowledged for the things they do well, and receive instructional consequences more often than exclusionary ones, they are going to spend more time in class than out of it. Within the PBIS framework, students have lower levels of unwanted behaviors and higher levels of positive, prosocial behaviors and emotion regulation. Based on their points earned, students can purchase items like snacks, toys, fidget toys with their Paw Bucks. Students earn points daily from classified and unclassified staff for attendance, behavior, performance, responsibility, safety, respect, integrity, and positivity.
When the students saw the supplies, they became excited. There were many options available to the students from chips, juices, cookies, pretzels, crackers, water, water singles and juices. Scientifically speaking, candy, coffee, sugary drinks, and other fatty foods can cause an instant increase in dopamine levels, a chemical in the brain that improves attention, memorization, and concentration. I can see how it is beneficial in the classroom. The snacks influence academic achievement, students believe snacks improve their performance, snacks influence engagement during learning time, and snacks do not shape students' feelings in the classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bailey
This classroom project was brought to life by Bezos Family Foundation and 6 other donors.