Learning Centers

Funded Nov 14, 2023

My students have benefited greatly from the materials you purchased for our classroom. Specifically, during literacy centers, students are learning to identify the beginning, middle and ending sounds in words, and are then able to blend those together to make words. Children have used the letter stamps to stamp the sounds they hear in CVC words.

As another example, children use the sand in trays as a tactile manipulative to correctly form letters. In small groups, children first learn to form letters in the sand, then on "bumpy" paper, and finally on regular writing paper. Studies have shown that handwriting is a powerful way for children to be able to learn letter-sound relationships.

Children were so excited to use our materials! The first thing they asked in groups each time were "When are we going to get to write in sand?". They always chose letters stamps as an independent center.

Our class has made tremendous strides in literacy this school year, thanks in part to your generous donations. We will continue to use materials to focus on letter-sound and fine motor activities to improve their ability to be successful readers and writers.”

With gratitude,

Ms. Billie