Funded Nov 13, 2024Thank you so much for bringing joy to our Mountain Village 1st Grade Classroom!
We meet each First Friday with parents, grandparents, and siblings too young for school to enhance and deepen what we are learning. Whether a focus on literacy, math, or social skills, our monthly themes are often holiday-based. We play and learn in centers with our families, then receive a gift to take home and use to further learning for the month ahead until we meet again.
The Pop for Sight Words game was the monthly practice tool for December. Having already played the game in class a few times during literacy intervention groups, students were overjoyed to have their own game to take home. Practicing sight words allows students to be more accurate and more fluent readers.
Our next family engagement event is this coming Friday. Students will be taking the balance toy home for January practice. I anticipate much joy!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Amanda