Creating a Field Guide for Our Little Slice of Heaven!

Funded Jul 12, 2023

What do you look at when you look up, do you dream of clouds, do you make pictures of them in your minds eye? Or do you analyze them with weather details? Do you worry about how much our climate is changing? In our little slice of heaven, that is exactly what we are doing!

Our students are benefiting from your gift by studying our weather conditions every day. We are doing NASA globe protocols, which we could not do without the weather station you so generously gifted to us. With your help, the students are tracking our local weather conditions in real time. They are seeing the relationship between barometer readings and rain events. In addition, they are learning how prone our area is to flooding by tying this to the rain events and water collection.

We are using the data to predict how our area will be impacted by our rain, our soil porosity and how our families here will be impacted. Your gift has gone a long way in helping our students the interconnectedness of climate and local weather events. Thank you so much for all that you do!”

With gratitude,

Ms. Terry