Into the Future with Physics and Next-Gen Tools

Funded Sep 23, 2023

We are in the last days of 2023 and BOY what a wild ride! Our high school students are growing into their science selves and every day I hear more and more "science talk" happening in casual conversation with peers. My 9th-grade physics classes have been well-stocked with good materials for writing and learning. They are thrilled to have consistently working whiteboard markers and pencils, but also access to the most emergent of classroom tech!

I debuted the Vernier "smart carts" with my AP students. They were all ready to get out wired consoles, look for power supplies for units with always-dead batteries. But over and over again I heard "wait, these use Bluetooth?" And instantly these carts were no more foreign then a new pair of headphones.

For me, not having to deal with defective tech means that students get on a roll so much quicker and I can focus on concepts and not logistics. Since the information streams off these devices into their Chromebooks, they are just a click away from having lovely graphs and tables in their reports and work.

For students, they are connecting better around the smart carts and are able to collaborate and build understanding much faster. Grades and attitudes are showing that the technology refresh is great for us all! Thank you to all who made this gift possible.”

With gratitude,

Mr. Hopper