Past projects 1
Bringing STEM Innovations to Life With 3D Printing
Funded Sep 23, 2023I hope that you've had an excellent holiday season and are staying warm during this winter weather! My STEM students have had a busy semester, and I wanted to let you know a little about how we've been using the 3D printers!
We've spent some time setting up and learning how to use the 3D printers. Many of my students had never seen one before, and they especially had no clue how they worked! (I attached a photo of the printers in my classroom.) We also learned how to use TinkerCAD to created 3D digital designs that could be exported into code and sent to the printers for printing. Because this is a skill that is not easily learned, we started small by creating name keychains. Students were tasked with designing a keychain that had their name on it! (I attached a photo of them with their completed keychains. Unfortunately, I had to blur out their names due to privacy!) We also spent some time learning how to take measurements using tools like calipers in order to 3D print objects of specific sizes. Students not only had to learn how to convert units in order to properly scale their designs, but they also had to consider how to orient the design so that it would print correctly without errors.
Most recently, students were working on a research project on a person in STEM. The people they researched were from underrepresented groups in STEM--women or racial/ethnic minorities. After completing their research, they designed and printed holiday ornaments that they felt represented their people, and hung them on our class "STEMist tree." (Picture of the tree is attached!) Students learned a lot of lessons on how to use the 3D printers in conjunction with other materials to create the design effects that they wanted.
Currently, the students have been focusing on the effects of climate change around the world and specifically in our state. We're looking into the effects of the 2016 flooding in West Virginia, and beginning to design prototypes of flood-proof homes! Students will have to utilize 3D printed elements in their designs. It's their biggest challenge with the printers yet, and I'm so excited to see what they create and the lessons that they will learn along the way!
The kids love the printers, and there have been several students come up to me and ask how they can get into STEM class next year so that they can learn how to use them too! There have also been students (both in my class and from other classes) that have created their own designs independently and printed them. Personally, I made some awesome name-stick holders (picture attached) for all of my classes. I've also used the printers to create some classroom rewards (like working cipher wheels during our cryptography unit), and I also plan to print trophies for the school March Mammal Madness tournament coming up soon! I've also talked with a handful of teachers who plan to use the printers with their own students for projects in different content areas.
You've made such an impact on my students and our school. We appreciate you so much!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Potter