Past projects 4
New Year, New Connections!
Funded Oct 25, 2024Dear Friends!
Thanks to your generous hearts, my preschoolers with special needs have a fantastic library! These stories are all affirmations that we are all special, unique and valued! This school year has began with many victories and anticipated successes will continue. Bravo and God Bless! Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkhardt
We Love to Read! Big Books Are Big Stories!
Funded Feb 18, 2024Look at the READING!! All independent and personal choices!
The school year did not begin as such, but through experiences with BIG BOOKS, the children have learned to be early readers!
Your donations of BIG BOOKS to our classroom allowed all students to experience tbe stories and remain engaged. The students enjoyed each story, along with a flannel board and language extension activity. The Big Books were available for independent reading and thebsize of the print and illustrations made it accessible to all learners. As time passed, students learned to care for, read and had an increased sense of book and print awareness/knowledge. Finally, the end product, independent readers choosing, attending to and enjoying literature on their own!
Thank you!!!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkhardt
A Place Just For Me!
Funded Nov 27, 2023Our Place For Me area is being used by each student! We are learning to take breaks when needed and self- soothe, make appropriate choices and self-regulation! Wow.
Some need a snug and sit for awhile using the weighted animals and soft area. Others need to calm while working with fidgets, pop tools and squeeze toys.
Others need to use a Calm Down book and make choices for alternative behaviors.
Our class has more friends and a very peaceful atmosphere. We are learning life skills we can carry with us throughout the years!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkhardt
A Place For Me 2
Funded Oct 2, 2023On the day we introduced "Snuggle" to our classroom, everyone had a new friend! Snuggle is a weighted puppy dog who lives in our Place For Me corner!
Snuggle joined our team of Bumble Bee and is always available when a child needs a moment to gather his confidence and composure back. He is also available when everything is A- Okay!
When A was having a mornimg missing his Mommy, he hugged Snuggle and carried him around. Snuggle helped calm him amd enabled A to make a choice for activity! A had a successful and happy day.
It is with grattitude I say THANK YOU to DONORS CHOOSE for giving us these gifts!
With gratitude,
Ms. Burkhardt