Funded Oct 8, 2023You have given a breath of life into this library. Something that started out as a pipe dream has blossomed into a vibrant collection with stories by people like my students and for my students. I cannot thank you enough for the contributions, shares, and just care you have shown.
Already the books you have donated have passed through the hands of students. Word of mouth saying how good Speak was or that Slip was a must read have gotten more students in the door asking about books. Now they come and say what else you got like that. Stories like When Life Gives You Mangos or Hot Comb provided a snapshot of life similar to that of their own or made them proud of their history or culture. They love seeing themselves in the stories they read.
I now get to hear students say that character looks like me, likes what I like, and acts as I would. That chance of representation is amazing and you gave that to these students. Words are not enough but thank you for the help and joy you have provided.”
With gratitude,
Mr. LaBonte