ADHD Support Tools for ELs

Funded Mar 23, 2023

Ever since receiving the items to help support my students, I noticed a huge increase in students' ability to focus. Whenever they got off task, I'd simply say "get out the bikes" and they'd begin to peddle while taking notes and channel their energy more effectively. They also learned important skills in regards to self advocacy, growing to be more aware of their bodies and needs during class-time and gaining the confidence to ask for the modifications they needed because those resources were available.

The kids were genuinely so excited when they first saw their materials --- the most accurate way to describe their reaction was like Christmas morning. Even though they were tools to help focus on learning, the kids recognized that the donated materials were also tools that were going to make them feel better and would make their lessons more enjoyable.

The most important impact is that these students have learned what tools are available to them within the classroom, and that they don't have to stifle their energy in times when it would be healthier to get it out in a focused way. Learning to advocate for oneself is an incredibly important skill for this demographic and these materials were vital for learning that lesson.

Thank you again for your contribution and know that it is deeply appreciated by us all!”

With gratitude,

Ms. Ferrall