Past projects 1
The Reading Retreat
Funded Feb 28, 2023The day the Reading Retreat arrived, the excitement was palpable. A trail of students followed from the mailroom into the Media Center where we slowly unboxed and accounted for each piece of the pagoda. A dedicated group of four students assisted as we assembled the tented roof, connected it to the four metal stilts, and strung up the privacy netting. The looks of pride and satisfaction on everyone's face as we stood back and gazed at what we had built together was reward enough. It was also the first, full-throated demonstration that the Reading Retreat was bringing our community closer.
As the weeks passed, curiosity about the new, lush space grew. What was this Reading Retreat dressed up with a fuzzy green rug, flower shaped throw-pillows, and that electric orange papasan chair? At first the privacy, the charismatic furniture, and the cozy atmosphere lured interested parties in, but hesitation came once the rules were explained. The true fear that arose from being parted from their phones was striking. However, it was that exact feeling that we wanted to push back on when we imagined the Reading Retreat.
Soon we had our first few brave souls. The ones who were already readers, the ones that finished their studies early and got passes to the Media Center. Those who when they are bored they naturally look for productive or peaceful means of entertainment. They relished having such an exclusive and dedicated spot to indulge in their extra-curricular reading. They had no qualms with handing over their backpacks and their cellphones for a few moments of respite. They would bring their friends in during lunch and prove to them that the magical spot, called the Reading Retreat, that had popped up in the Media Center overnight like a ring of mushrooms after a hard rain, was indeed real.
As it goes with so many other things in life, our students needed to see it in action first. They needed for someone else to break the ice and show them what is possible. Eventually, those reluctant to part ways with their devices were soon clamoring to hand them over. Playful challenges were lobbed from student to student about who could go without their phone longer, who could read more pages in one sitting, who was reading the more challenging text; and thus, the Reading Retreat became a fixture.
The Reading Retreat is an oasis for the imagination. It allows for a safe space away from the rigor of classes, away from the anxious onslaught of social media notifications, and away from the prying eyes of peers, where students can once again be children—curious, open, and engaged.
With your support and generous donation, we have created a sanctuary for those who want it. You've given our students a place where they can explore their interests, create a lifelong habit of reading, and find some peace in our fast-paced, high-pressure environment. In a time of instant-gratification, we are encouraging our students to take things slow, reconnect with themselves, and unabashedly pursue their interests. The Reading Retreat is a small way we show our students that we care. You have shown them that people they have never met before (and probably never will) also care; and for that we are so grateful.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Mckey