Mindful And Well: Sitz Bones and Breath

Funded Mar 16, 2023

Thank you so very much for the generous donation that enabled our school to purchase a classroom set of Mediation Cushions that are used in every single PE class from Kindergarten to 6th Grade.

Our PE teacher has been able to teach proper spine alignment to all students and reinforce that skill 3 times a week in PE. All classes begin on the cushions with a breathing practice before they engage in the PE skills they work on each week.

The students in our school deserve nice things and this gift was a real boost to feelings of worth and feelings of importance. We made sure that the students knew the cushions came to us because of very special donors.

This instilled a feeling of gratitude and pride in our scholars.

We look forward to implementing more use with these cushions with extra opportunities for students to participate in mindfulness work through out the school year. Thank you again for your generosity!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Brown