Stepping Strong!

Funded Jan 26, 2023

It is always a pleasure to work with young students, but this year in particular has been so much fun! Play is truly the work of children. Obstacle courses are frequently used for kids to work on their gross motor skills and having new, bright equipment has made a difference with motivating them. Literally every student would come into the therapy room and look forward to using the new things to challenge their gross motor skills. Plus, they would want to help set things up and put things away.

One of the most favorite themes was "going on a bear hunt". The new gross motor items were set up to go over, under, around and thru a variety of obstacles to look for a pretend sleeping bear. The kids thought they were so brave!

The improvements to balance and overall gross motor skills have been documentable and the new equipment is the reason why. I feel so fortunate to have received balance beams, tunnels, turtle steppingstones and stomp rockets, to name a few things. The kids love coming down to my room and it has been so fun watching them grow and learn thru play. To see a child that was apprehensive initially to challenge their balance over time and ultimately show confidence: It's very special to watch.”

With gratitude,

Ms. Milisa