Watch This: Chickens in the Making!

Funded Jan 25, 2023

Thank you so much for helping fund this project! My students and 4-H Poultry Team members were very excited for the opportunity to be part of incubating new life as part of our embryology unit. The students were part of the entire process from setting up the incubator, setting the eggs, taking them off rotation, watching them hatch, and placing them in the brooder boxes. Throughout the incubation period, I candled the eggs for all students to see the developing embryos; they were fascinated by how quickly they grew! Students asked many questions about the different colors of the eggs as well as the different colors/markings on the chicks once they started hatching out. This provided opportunity to review our genetics content learned prior to the embryology unit. After hatching, 32 students adopted 1-2 of the chicks to take home and raise - some to be barnyard layers and others to be livestock exhibition birds. I believe taking care of animals is one of the best ways for kids to learn responsibility, and am excited that so many were willing and able to take on that responsibility. Again, thank you so much for providing my students with this wonderful opportunity!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. McBride