Lucky Ducks in Need of Duck Shop Restock!

Funded Jan 14, 2023

The impact your donations have had on my class has been incredible. Friday Duck Shop Days are now full of thank you's from my students, happiness, and the best of behaviors. These students have made strides and their confidence has increased with each day! They have been dedicated to learning and earning their incentives and it makes my heart full knowing that you have helped.

When my students first saw their new items, some actually cried and said it was Christmas and others had more words than they've ever had. I had a student say "This is happy. See? SMILE!" and they showed me their biggest smile.

With this being a behavioral classroom, some things may end up thrown, broken, or ripped apart. However, with our new Duck Shop items and your donations, they have been able to practice kindness and appreciation for the things they have earned.

Because of your donations, my students have also adopted a new phrase: "Stop. Safe. Start."

Stop: When you feel yourself getting upset, stop what you are doing.

Safe: Make sure you and your items are safe by using your calm down techniques.

Start: When you feel better and ready to return your activity, start with a deep breath and try the activity again.

You have helped my students make so much progress and I am eternally grateful and lucky to have support from people like you.

I thank you with every ounce I have. Thank you, thank you, thank YOU!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Harris