Funded Feb 9, 2023My students love the room transformation! The OOHS and AHHS were wonderful! I have not even had time to put up the decals, but the students understand what this room will be used for. The calmness provided by the comfortable seating and dim lighting is an understatement. My students feel more at ease when seated more comfortably, not just in the hard chairs. Lessons and discussions flow easily. My students want to stay when it is time for them to leave.
We use the table and chairs for certain lessons, but as soon as they walk in they are gravitating toward the soft chairs, cushions, and rugs. One parent relayed to me that her daughter stated she loved my room and that she wanted to become a teacher and have one just like it someday. Several staff members have also been using this space to relax. I hope to add more lighting, rugs, and seating so that there's a space for everyone. Having this space for my school family has provided a safe space for students and staff to utilize during the day to reset. Thank you so much for contributing to my project.
"Thank You" does not seem to be enough for what you have provided.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Davis