Past projects 7
Sensory Tools for Success
Funded Aug 13, 2024Your donations have made our new school year a success! The sensory tools you have helped donate gave all my students a smooth transition to a new year and a new classroom for some of them. Having access to sensory tools like tactile and visual fidgets and noise cancelling headphones have helped students self-advocate for their sensory needs as well as feel secure and safe in a new environment, which has helped them stay regulated as well.
Tools like the putty and playdough are beneficial during academic times. They are rewarding for students to do their work while helping them stay focused and engaged. The noise-cancelling headphones have helped many of my students be included in fun school-wide events that typically would be dysregulating for them, such as dances and assemblies. Because of this tool, inclusion has increased and well as my students' enjoyment and happiness during these events.
Thank you, once again, for your kindness and generosity! :)”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jenami
This classroom project was brought to life by Wing 2 Wing Foundation and 4 other donors.Safe Sensory Bins for Smart Students
Funded May 10, 2024My class and I thank you for your kind contributions. Thanks to you, we were able to refresh our fun sensory bins for the end of the school year and will have new, clean ones to start the next school year with.
My students were eager to not only see the new sensory bin materials and use them during their sensory breaks and lessons, but they also took ownership of the new materials and were excited to clean out the old bins and assemble the new bins on together. The responsibility and team work skills the class learned from this was an unexpected, but welcomed, effect of this project.
Thank you, once again, for your generosity!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jenami
Book Binding for Brilliant Minds
Funded May 8, 2024Your generous contributions have funded a binding machine and related materials that have drastically impacted our literacy time!
With our new binding machine, students have been able to take ownership of special writing projects. One example of this are special End of Year Memory Books each student got to make. They wrote about various different "favorites" they had this school year and we were able to bind it together to "publish" their memory books. This project both displays the writing skills they have acquired through the whole school year as well as serve as a special gift that they and their families can look back on throughout the years.
Another result of our binding machine and related materials were various reading and science projects we got to do. We used the binding machine, laminating sheets, and velcro to create adapted books about animal habitats, which aided the students to learn about animal habitats and create their own. We also had a book study for the story "One and Only Ivan" - a high-interest chapter book that originally was not accessible to my students due to the reading and comprehension level, but using our project materials, I was able to provided an adapted version of the book which resulted in a very successful novel study.
Your kind contributions have brought many positive learning experiences to my classroom this spring. Thank you, once again!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jenami
This classroom project was brought to life by Wing 2 Wing Foundation and 2 other donors.Adaptive Books for an Adaptive Classroom through TPT
Funded Feb 3, 2024On behalf of myself and my classroom, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you for your generous contributions towards funding our TPT gift cards, which in turn, have brought us a variety of adapted books.
Last month, I used the funds to purchase a set of adapted books for Black History Month. These books were an engaging way for my students to learn about important black leaders throughout our countries history. Each day, my students were eager to pick a new book and learn about another leader while using the hands on pieces to assess their comprehension.
In addition to that set of adapted books, I have also purchases and assembled adapted social stories to focus on various, critical skills such as keeping a safe body and coping with emotions.
I am eager to use the remaining funds to purchases and create more adapted books to give my students access to history, literature, and life skills! Thank you, once again, for helping make my classroom more accessible.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jenami
Rainy Day Recess
Funded Dec 31, 2023My class has enjoyed our indoor recess materials so much, that a few have actually been disappointed when the weather is nice enough to outside! On top of the joy your donation has brought to my students, I have also seen an increase in social and communication skills during play time as well. For a special education class with a huge emphasis on building social and communication skills - this has been a huge win!
The play food and dolls have bought out a creative side to all of my students that has been wonderful to watch. They bond with peers that they typically do not socialize with through playing "store" or "family". The STEM Bin materials have promoted teamwork amongst my students, and they work hard with one another to build the various models that challenge them and push them to think critically.
Thank you, once again, for your generous donations. The appreciation my class and I have for you goes beyond words!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jenami
New Basics for the New Year
Funded Dec 31, 2023We have enjoyed all of the wonderful learning activities and classroom visuals the basic supplies have created for us! We use the dry erase markers everyday during ELA, math, and handwriting groups. Not only do the dry erase markers add a great amount of engagement to our daily activities, but they also reduce waste by decreasing the amount of copies we need to make.
The adapted crayons have been very beneficial for our youngest students. It has helped strengthen their fine motor skills and encourage pre-writing skills. The pencil boxes have helped all of our students take responsibility over their personal belongings.
Finally, the copy paper is the framework behind almost all of our activities and classroom procedures. We have used the paper for learning activities, behavior charts and incentives, personalized tokens, and visuals to support academics and routines.
Thank you, once again, for your generous donations!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jenami
Snacks & Smiles for Second Grade
Funded Dec 30, 2022My students and I are so thankful for the snacks and cleaning materials! Every day when my students come in the room, at least half of them will ask me if I have "extra snacks" today. That is the first thing on their mind. Thanks to you, I am able to answer yes. Our snack time is right after specials. Specials is one of their favorite parts of the day, yet they are enthusiastic to get back to the room because they know a filling snack is waiting for them.
We dedicate at least 5 minutes about three times a week (sometimes more, depending on what activities or what snacks we were eating that day) to "deep cleaning" our desks, which is more than just picking up and throwing away trash. Now that we have Clorox wipes readily available, my students take pride in making sure our classroom is a safe, clean, inviting environment. If a student needs to wipe off their desk immediately, they can now independently go to where our wipes our, grab one, and clean up. This has taught them very important life skills and has cut down on class disruptions. Aside from just their desks, students will ask if they can clean common areas, such as the library and kidney tables, which contributes to our classroom culture as they are all playing a role in keeping our class clean.
As the school year is coming to an end, I am reflecting on the success of this project. My next steps involve taking initiative on a similar Donor's Choose project for next year, to start the school year off on the right foot.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jenami