Books in My Language 用我的语言写的书

Funded Jun 20, 2023

I wish you could have seen the looks on my students' faces when they saw the books written in Chinese. They were thrilled.

Almost all of my English learners' day is spent immersed in English. They are taught all subjects in English. In English class, they learn a great deal of vocabulary, how to decode texts, and how to write using academic English structures. However, as they are just learning the English language, the texts they use are simple and short. They lack the engaging and complex elements that are found in novels. The books you funded have allowed them to access literature again. Our local libraries do not have books in Chinese, so this is the first time our community has been able to give them a physical book they can easily understand and enjoy.

Our students are assigned a resource block in which they complete school work. When their work is done, we encourage them to read. Our Chinese-speaking students have been devouring these books during resource. One girl in particular has been downright giddy with the books. She asks to take them home, and she plans to read all of the books. These books have provided a springboard for conversations about literature. Several of these books also have movies made of them, so we've been able to compare and contrast elements of the books to the movies. Conversations about plot and character would not be possible without these books.

Besides giving our students access to literature while they are acquiring English, these books have made my students feel valued and special. They know we care. They know their home language is still important to us. For students new to the U.S., providing these books provide a welcoming gesture that is very appreciated.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Diamond