Please Donate!

Funded Dec 1, 2022

First of all, we would like to THANK ALL OUR DONORS for such an amazing blessing to our classroom! I put the seat covers on as soon as I came into work. I could not wait to see the students reactions and tell them the exciting news.

My students were so excited this morning when they walked into our classroom. The seat covers were the very first thing they saw. The seat covers look amazing in our classroom. The students absolutely love them! They said, " Yay! We have more space on our desk!" Another student stated, "THANK you donors!"

We started using the seat covers right away in our classroom. They absolutely love them!! We are truly THANKFUL for the AMAZING DONORS that funded our project.

Again, THANK YOU so much for your generous donations! Have a blessed day!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Gonzales