Funded Nov 23, 2022I truly appreciate your donation. The children have greatly benefited from the new materials and items in the classroom and are becoming more independent each day! They are now able to fill up their own water bottles, reach the sink and soap to wash their hands independently, and they are practicing their gross motor skills using the balance board, crawling tunnel, stepping stones, and rainbow pods.
It is wonderful to observe them painting on the new easel as they express themselves, and practice their gross and fine motor skills in preparation for more advanced work, such as reading and writing; holding the brush is similar to the way they would hold a writing device. They are gaining concentration skills, coordination, order, and developing independence.
We are looking forward to our next project to focus on language in the classroom and social emotional development. It is wonderful to see how all the classroom materials integrate multiple senses and areas of development. Thank you for your donation!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Chapman