Past projects 11
Thriving in Third Grade
Funded Dec 3, 2024Thank you so much for your generosity. It made a huge impact on my third-grade students. We immediately started using the sensory items. It was very calming for students with ADHD and autism. The sensory items are helping students stay on task. They loved the weighted lap blanket. The students also loved the social-emotional learning books.
The label maker was great for staying organized in the classroom. I used it to make label all of their belongings. I began reading the Responsive Classroom books. I found so many helpful ideas to use in the classroom.
Happy Holidays!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Stoddard
Classroom Materials for a Successful School Year
Funded Oct 31, 2024Thank you so much for you generous donation to my third-grade classroom. The students absolutely loved the prizes! They all are working hard to earn the slime. The morning meeting book has been very helpful! The book is helping to build a strong classroom community.
The refrigerator is very helpful to store student lunches, snacks, and milk. The cough drops have been very useful this cold and flu season. The multiplication and division kit has been very effective during my small group instruction.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Stoddard
Gardening in Third Grade!
Funded Apr 23, 2024Thank you so much for generosity! My third grade students loved gardening and learning about the life cycle of a plant. This tied in directly with my science standards.
Many of my students have never gardened before. They loved putting their hands in the dirt and planting their own seeds. I let each student choose which flower they would like to plant. The students were excited to come to school each morning and take turns watering the seedlings. The students also were eager to see how much the plants grew each day.
The students also loved reading the environmental books. We had many meaningful discussions. The students loved learning all about the world around them!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Stoddard
This classroom project was brought to life by Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation and 2 other donors.Thriving in Third Grade
Funded Mar 7, 2024Thank you so much for your generous donation to my third-grade classroom. The students love all of the materials. We are currently using the geometry magnets. It has been so useful to have the hands-on materials. Since the shapes are magnetic it makes a very nice display!
The class has also loved the picture books! We recently read, "I Wanna Go Home" by Karen Kaufman. This book taught the students about letter writing and opinion writing. I have also started using the social studies and social emotional learning workbooks! The workbooks have really enhanced learning in the classroom! Thank you again and have a wonderful spring!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Stoddard
Books and Classroom Materials!
Funded Oct 8, 2023Thank you for much for your generous donation. The third-grade students were very excited when the new materials arrived. The climate book was very useful during our climate and weather science lessons. The books about the revolutionary war have actively engaged the students in their social studies lessons. The primary sources magnetic posters are large and easy for students to see during our lessons. The students really enjoyed the fiction books that incorporated social emotional learning. The cleaning materials have helped to keep the room clean and organized.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Stoddard
Engaging Classroom Environment
Funded Oct 8, 2023Thank you so much for your generous donation. The classroom rug looks amazing in our classroom. The third graders were so excited when they saw the rug and materials. The students love sitting on the rug during whole group lessons and independent work. All of the classroom materials are helping the classroom to stay organized. During guided reading and small group instruction the students love using the colorful dry erase dots circles whiteboard marker removable stickers spots wall decals. Thank you again.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Stoddard
This classroom project was brought to life by Panda Cares and 2 other donors.Magazines and Classroom Environment
Funded Aug 17, 2023Thank you very much for the magazines and the classroom environment materials. Our class started using our Scholastic Magazine right away this school year! The students were engaged in a article about making new friends! The worksheets and graphic organizers are very useful during reading class. The science magazines will be very useful during science class.
The classroom environment materials are very appreciated. I have the chair bag pockets on the back of every students chairs. It is very useful in helping the students stay organized! Thank you again.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Stoddard
Math and Calm Down Materials
Funded May 10, 2023The math and calm down materials have helped my third-grade class tremendously. I have the number line hanging on my classroom wall. The students use it daily! The magnetic fraction circles have helpful during whole class lessons! Students love using the hands-on fraction materials during whole group and independent class time.
The social and emotional materials have been very helpful! The students love listening to the books! The books great lessons about social skills! I have the materials in a calm down center that students use daily when they need to take a break.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Stoddard
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Foundation and 3 other donors.Meaningful Assignments
Funded Dec 29, 2022The Teachers Pay Teachers gift card has made a huge impact on my class. I cannot thank you enough! The pictures show a project we made on the 100th day of school. The students created a picture of themselves at 100 years old. They wrote about what their lives would be like at 100. This project was purchased by this gift card.
During writing we are currently researching and writing about our favorite animals. This activity was also purchased using this gift card. I love engaging the students in meaningful assignments and this donation allows me to do so. Thank you again!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Stoddard
Calm Space
Funded Dec 20, 2022Thank you so much for your generosity! My third-grade students were very excited for all of these materials. The calming items made a huge impact in my classroom. The students love the flexible seating. It allows students to move around while learning. The seating is also very comfortable. The fidgets are very calming for my students with anxiety and ADHD. They allow the students to stay calm while learning. Many of the items were added to my calm down center. Students use this center whenever they need to take a break. I used the prizes to implement positive reinforcement. Students have bought the prizes with the points they earn for good behavior! This is so exciting for students! They are so proud when they earn a prize. Thank you so much for supporting my third-grade scholars!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Stoddard