Funded Nov 30, 2022The impact on our new resources has been exceptional! When they were displayed in our Tracks Superstore, students were very excited to see the new projects they could work towards receiving. Additionally, 5th grade students played a role in organizing our Tracks Superstore. These students were given the opportunity to place what "price" the materials should be ranked at. Many of the resources were placed in our higher section shelves, as students saw the materials as highly valuable.
Our Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Tracks Superstore has been a huge success story this school year. Last year, we processed 1,151 Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) with a student population of estimated 1,200. This year, we have currently processed 380 with a student population of 945. These resources have truly supported our PBIS program! Thank you so much.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Adams