Opening Minds To The World of Ceramics!

Funded Nov 3, 2022

I apologize for responding in a timely manner and because we have been very involved in the ceramics, it totally slipped my mind.

The students had a blast trying out the potter's wheel and making things that they probably will never get a chance or opportunity to do again. We just finished all projects Friday, March 10. Some students were disappointed because they had more ideas they wanted to make but we were almost out of clay. Even when it was over, students would talk about ceramics and mentioned future projects if the opportunity came.

I want to personally thank each and every donor that donated and gave my students an opportunity of a lifetime. Without you, we would not have been able to work in ceramics like this. Again, thank you so much! It has been fun, exciting, and educational, and we all learned things we couldn't have without you.”

With gratitude,

Mr. Shade