Past projects 1
Mastery Through Meaningful Play
Funded Jan 3, 2023My students were so excited to see the new resources when they arrived. They helped me unpack them and enjoyed getting to use them. Their absolute favorite was the pop-it games. They would use them to review reading and spelling words or sentences. If they got it right, they got to pop the number they rolled.
The tens-frame pop-it and the magnetic tens-frames were a big hit with my second grader who is still practicing automaticity with number-sense. She even made a little video "teaching" others how to use them. It was great!
As the school year is coming to a close, my plan is to use all the resources to create new games and organize them for efficient use. I will also be joining a colleague in leading a session at our district's end-of-year Teacher Learning Academy. We will be using these resources to display as examples for more teachers to implement meaningful play into their lessons.
Thank you so much for donating to the success of my students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Gunter