Past projects 3
Jumbo Pillows Bring Excitement & Joy to DL Reading Experience!
Funded Jan 11, 2023Thank you so much for making reading such a relaxing and enjoyable activity in my classroom. The students love to sit and read, and there's such a sense of calm and peace that our reading time seems to just fly by. When other students visit our room, they make comments such as, "I would like to be able to read on one of these!" The jumbo bean bags are great for reading, for having student conversations, play review games on student laptops and having teacher-student conferences. Thank you again for making our classroom space more enjoyable and peaceful.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Patty
Sixth Graders Develop Tactical Thinking Skills
Funded Nov 29, 2022Every Wednesday, my students have an opportunity to enjoy a mental health day. One of their favorite activities is to play ping pong which gives them the opportunity to obtain the benefits of increased concentration, alertness, stimulation of brain function, get aerobic exercise and partake in social and recreational interaction. I can testify that the students who have been playing ping pong since we got the tables in December have better eye-hand coordination, are more socially adjusted and enjoy being at school. My students are alert in class and enjoy learning in a community of friends. Playing ping pong also helps my students create a positive learning community. The laughter and joy that I see in my classroom every Wednesday fills my heart with much happiness and hope because I see students who are able to deal with the daily stresses of school without collapsing spiritually/emotionally. The anxiety and behavioral issues that I see in my colleagues' classrooms are virtually non-existent in my room. My students and I have been able to build a safe space where they can experience the joy of learning and interacting with their classmates in fun and memorable ways. Thank you very much for making this a very special year for my sixth graders.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Patty
This classroom project was brought to life by an Anonymous Classroom Supporter and 3 other donors.LEGOS Bring Brain Health to My Tactile Learners
Funded Oct 7, 2022Joyful shouts of "Yeah, LEGOS!" rang throughout the room on our first mental health wellness Wednesday.
Students love working with the beautiful, bright colored blocks and the larger size of the emoji-LEGOS. More students comment that they love coming to class on Wednesdays because their is no social pressure to be "cool." They can let down their guard. There are more smiles, eye contact and praise for creative ideas.
My attendance is great and interactions have less social stigma every day!!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Patty