Past projects 2
Learning to Read
Funded Jan 7, 2023Thank you for your generosity in making our Learning to Read project a reality. The students are thrilled to have new books in the classroom. In preschool, I read aloud to students nearly every day! Recently, in our pets unit, we read "Harry the Dirty Dog" and the kids loved it! The book led to a class discussion about dogs and many of my students shared about their own dogs at home.
My students are also given free choice time at the end of the day. I have some students that pick reading every day when they are able. They love flipping through the pages of books and being read to at the end of the day.
We work on a seemingly endless amount of literacy skills in preschool. Books are one of the main avenues that students engage in reading and learn about how to read. For example, we teach print concepts (book orientation & directionality in reading). The impact of reading to young learners has tremendous influence in later developing academic skills and life skills. It is in the research!
I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to expand my classroom library. My students enjoy the variety of books and topics in our new classroom library. My classroom parents get to hear about all the growth and reading activities we do in school as well. These can also translate to activities at home.
Thank you for being a part of making a difference in the lives of our youngest learners!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Emmons
Sensory and Social Experiences
Funded Sep 7, 2022Thank you again for your generosity. The students and my team have loved our new materials to use in the classroom. We have switched out the sensory items at our sensory table center and the kids enjoyed placing the stars on their fingers. They also like to squish the green sensory balls. It is an area in our room where students are able to use self-regulation as they receive sensory input during a busy day. The students are also loving their new dramatic play outfits. We recently did a unit on community helpers and the students were thrilled to see new outfits to dress up in. Finally, our new ramps and STEM set is a big hit. Students love to pull these out during free choice time and my team is building their vocabulary with words such as: fast, slow, down, up, roll, higher, and lower.
The students squealed with joy when they saw the new materials. I presented them during a circle time group so that the students could see the new items to use in the classroom. Their smiles went from ear to ear. They also smile often when using the materials. One student puts on the mail carrier outfit nearly every day and wants to deliver letters to his peers and other teachers. I wish you could see just how much they enjoy the new items and all they are learning using the materials that you helped donate to our room.
The students will continue to use their dramatic play outfits for units throughout the year. For example, we are currently doing a unit on Thanksgiving and students are putting the chef outfit on while they "cook" the Thanksgiving meal. The students also have a wide variety now at the sensory table as we switch out the materials in the table often. We now have three new sets to add into the rotation thanks to you! Finally, the ramps are wonderful as we have started with Level 1 building in using the kit. My team plans to increase difficultly as our students show mastery at each level.
Thank you again for your generosity. I am so grateful for the new materials and have already found many uses for each item you have helped me obtain for my room.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Emmons
This classroom project was brought to life by Valhalla Foundation and one other donor.