Past projects 1
Student-Read Audio Books & Poems
Funded Oct 4, 2022This project started out for some literacy projects, which included stories about real and imaginary friends, and extended to really boost some struggling students with recorded lessons! I wanted to share with you just how much this has impacted their lives, which also had a positive boost to their grades and confidence.
In our Spanish classroom, students created stories about monsters: who they were, what they liked, their favorite things, and even some dislikes. Using the headphones, some students chose to follow how-to-draw tutorials to make their projects the best they could! We've written about ourselves, about people at school, and even about famous people in history, such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. after listening to his speech. Using the microphones, students are taking the opportunity to record their responses in Spanish!
Another wonderful effect the headphones have had is the comfortable ability to rewatch, or rewind, old lessons. I'm so happy to see students in every class boosting their participation and gaming ranks ever since they've had this opportunity. We play a game, called "Time-To-Climb" to review or put some items to a friendly class competition where new names are appearing at the top. There are countless reasons a student may not have been part of a lesson (absence, illness, typical middle school life reasons), but now there are no barriers for them to get the material and lessen their homework load.
After seeing such results, I've asked class-wide and individually how students feel having headphones help: Overwhelming, the students appreciate it! Our levels are now soaring as we write "Soy Yo". And while the hurricanes slightly delayed our time-frames on certain tasks with the weeks off of school, we are all set to soar thanks to your support!
Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Greene
This classroom project was brought to life by Education Foundation of Sarasota County and 7 other donors.