Funded Nov 23, 2022Thank you for donating to "Warm Sounds!" The materials you helped fund have kept students warm during the winter. Being a uniform school it is important that we have the resources to provide items that families might not have access to. The speaker has improved the audio quality of our whole academy community meetings.
Students know that they can come to my office asking for a sweatshirt, and because of you I can. I know you can't see their whole faces but they are definitely smiling. One of the funnest moments of HOUSE challenge is when the winning HOUSE runs around the auditorium with the music blasting.
I will continue to use the materials to support students and create fun, enjoyable experiences. Part of that fun is school store. My next projects are "Tasty Treats" for the school store as items students can "purchase" with their HOUSE points. Students earn HOUSE points by exemplifying our PRIDE Values positivity, resilience, integrity, determination and empathy. Again, thank you for your time and donations.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Brandon