Looking to Enhance Learning & Make It Fun

Funded Aug 30, 2022

Thank you so much for helping me create a fun and hands-on classroom environment. They were super excited and shocked the first time they came back from lunch to see the classroom set up! My students are enjoying their Glow days and don't even think of it as learning!

I've used it for teaching sight words ex: students had to read the word and use it in a sentence. If they got it correct, they threw a glow hoop onto a peg. We've also used highlighters to "write the room". In addition to the games, the hoops are used for creating math problems for adding and making equal groups.

Every Monday my students ask me if they could have a Glow Day and I'm so grateful that I can give them one! We are looking forward to having many more Glow Days this school year and next!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Chibbaro