Creativity Is Key—Flexible Seating!

Funded Dec 1, 2022

Thank you SO MUCH for your incredibly generous donation for my classroom's new flexible seating options. I am so grateful to have people in my life that not only consistently support me, but my students, as well. Throughout the day, I teach a total of 61 students. It was so special seeing each of their reactions on the Monday after I set up the new chairs. If they weren't too busy being shocked with their jaws on the floor, they were yelling with excitement! They couldn't wait to wobble on their new wobble cushions or rock in their new bouncy chairs.

On Monday, the students start with one flexible seating option. They then switch with a partner on Fridays to get the other flexible seating option for the following week. One student even said to me how exciting it is that every week she has a new "work station"! The students use the chair bands throughout the day at our small-group, teacher table.

I truly have seen a difference in my student's ability to focus. This is perfect for them to be able to quietly move their bodies to get their fidgets out, while still being able to focus on the lesson. While I teach, I usually give students the option to choose where they learn best, either on their floor spots or in their seats. Since receiving our new flexible seating options, almost my entire class chooses to sit at their new seats!

I can't believe how impactful this project has been for all 61 of my students. I owe a million thanks to you!”

With gratitude,

Ms. O'Hara