Past projects 3
Learn and Grow Together
Funded Feb 18, 2024Thank you so much for helping to fund my project! We love learning and growing together! We appreciate the interest you have taken in our students' learning and look forward to sharing the positive impact you will have made in their academic lives. We thank you again for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Piena
This classroom project was brought to life by Hawai'i State Department of Education.Lap Desks for 2nd Graders
Funded Nov 17, 2023Our students truly love our new Lap Desks!! They were so excited to see the large boxes arrive in our classroom and then ooooh'd and ahhhhh'd as the teal blue and lime green lap desks were brought out of the boxes! They wanted to use them right away! After setting some ground rules to take care of the lap desks, students began using them to work independently, with a partner, or in small groups. They love that they can work at the carpet and still be able to write comfortably on the sturdy lap desks. The side pockets in the lap desks are great for students to place their notebook, pencils, or other materials while they do their work. The lap desks are also sturdy enough to hold the students' chromebooks, so the students have also used the lap desks during their group collaborations on projects and preparation of slides presentations.
I think I would like to take the lap desks outside next for the students to do some science work. The lap desks provide a nice surface for students to be able to record their observations in their Science notebooks.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Piena
This classroom project was brought to life by Hawai'i State Department of Education.A World of Wonder and Discovery!
Funded Oct 5, 2022This project, A World of Wonder and Discovery, has been amazing for my 2nd graders to use for the past 3 months! The Scholastic News and ScienceSpin subscriptions have opened up a world of wonder and discovery for them! Not only has your donation put interesting, colorful, grade-level informational text in their hands, but they have also benefited from accompanying videos, online games to check their understanding of the text, and other worksheets and activities to increase their knowledge, understanding, and use of new words. My students have loved each article that we've read.
Each article has been a great way for my students to use text features to help them understand what they are reading. We have also been able to practice using context clues to define unfamiliar words. We have also used the articles in small groups to read for meaning and to make connections to their prior knowledge. writing, connections to social studies and science
My students love to read! They especially like to read and to share what they have learned with a partner. These articles have opened up my students discussions to include social studies and science topics, and it has been amazing to see and hear them use content-specific vocabulary in their discussions about the articles they read.
All of my students love new books. We go to the school library weekly and they get excited when they have a chance to choose new books to read! They also get excited and actually cheer when I pull out a new issue of Scholastic News or ScienceSpin for us to read and discuss together.
We truly appreciate your support of our students' learning by providing these wonderful subscriptions for them! We look forward to continuing to learn with them throughout the remainder of this school year.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Piena