TPT Projects

Funded Oct 12, 2023

I've only begun my journey of creating new units and lessons for my students that are more engaging and culturally relevant. Teachers Pay Teachers has a wide variety of resources, and I knew that your support would allow me to tap into some of that.

Since being awarded, we were able to launch a brand new "Holidays Around the World" unit with a STEM focus. This new unit highlighted the holidays celebrated by students at our school. We made Ramadan sun catchers, puzzled through creating 3D driedels for Hannukkah, and a group challenge functional paper stocking. For my 1st graders, these were challenging STEM projects, and they were just as impactful. Each project was accompanied with a cultural lesson about that holiday. Our students who celebrated that holiday at home were so excited to share their experiences with others.

Going forward, I am so excited to use these funds to continue with project based learning. So far, we have completed a suitcase cultural identity project. I am excited to also introduce to students a nuanced unit about environmentalism and Native Americans as well as national identity.

Thank you so much for this opportunity. I was shocked to receive this honor, and I am optimistic for my student's learning this year.”

With gratitude,

Ms. Neri