Funded Aug 18, 2022My students have been using the amazing white boards that you purchased for us for a couple months now. I am thrilled to share with you the benefits that my students have gotten from these. Our writing has improved because of the lines printed on one side of the board. It helps our brains understand sizing and spacing and allows us to make mistakes that are easily corrected. We use these boards on a daily basis and it has helped us learn our letters and sounds and have a little extra fun with it in the process.
Having enough boards for each student in the class has been most valuable as well. This allows me to have a product for each student, to analyze their answers, and to understand what still needs to be taught to them.
Another huge benefit is that they boards are magnetic and we are able to use our magnetic letter tiles on the board to help us make words. Just this week we used letters to spell short a words, tap, tad, mad, pat, etc. This keeps us organized and helps the students stay engaged because of the fun with moving the letter tiles around the board.
Honestly, I cannot express to you how much I appreciate your generosity in sending us these materials. They really have been a huge benefit to my students and are going a long way to increasing their learning and engagement!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Holtzapple