Past projects 5
Classroom Glow-Up: Transforming Learning Spaces
Funded Mar 15, 2025This classroom project was brought to life by Hawai’i State Dept. of Ed and Marc & Lynne Benioff.Yummies for Our Tummies!
Funded Apr 9, 2024The students in my class will be happily snacking during snack time in school, thanks to your donation of chips, rice krispies, apple sauce, and so much other yummy treats. Getting a snack after recess is an important part of their day, I truly appreciate your support. Thank you!
I thought I'd share a couple of quotes from the kids with you:
"Snack is my favorite part of the day!"–A.G., age 10
"I like snack time because I can talk to my friends and eat all the delicious snacks,"–J.S., age 11
"Snacks are important because my teacher always gives us so much work!," S.PB., age 10
As you can see, your contribution is very important to the most important people, the kids I serve. It's important to me, too. Your donation to my students truly mean the world, and I really couldn't do it without you.
With gratitude,
Ms. Delatori
Thriving in Our Class!
Funded Nov 3, 2023The fabulous resources that were purchased by your generous donations are being put to great use.
They were so surprised to see the student store overflowing with items they enjoy! From the fidgets, colorful pens, and stickers to the modeling clay and scented erasers, my fifth graders were so thrilled to have new items to "buy" during store hours.
My students also had a blast with the Christmas stocking stuffers! They really enjoyed dressing up with the silly glasses and playing with the inflatable Santa and ring toss. To see their faces light up when we had our Christmas class party was truly amazing.
Currently, we are still learning about finances and utilizing the student led store, enjoying the last of the snacks we received and building relationships as classroom 'Ohana. From the bottom of my heart, Mahalo. Your donations truly have made a difference in my students lives.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Delatori
Great Things Poppin'!
Funded Oct 30, 2022The new resources that were purchased by your generous donations are being put to good use. Our student-led store is up and running! Every last Friday of the month, the Class Store is open. They use their class cash that they receive throughout the month. Some of the prices fluctuate from $10-$100. It may seem like a lot of money, but they do get a $200 allowance at the beginning of the month and they pay 'rent' to me as well. They have been enjoying the independence to spend their money or save their money. However, majority of them are spenders because they want the new items!
When my students first saw the materials they are astonished! They said, "Who blessed you with all these items?!" and "Whaaaat, are these for us!" so to say the least, they were amazed. A lot of them do not get to shop at the school wide store because they don't receive as many much 'Gotcha' dollars. So, seeing that we will be having a store with items similar to the Gotcha Store, in our OWN CLASSROOM, got their spirits excited!
Currently, we will be learning more about finances, in a series of lessons, my goal is to help improve Financial Literacy within our classrooms. Aiming to improve my students understanding of money, budgeting and finance.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Delatori
This classroom project was brought to life by Hawai'i State Department of Education.Building Positive Behavior
Funded Mar 4, 2023Your donation to my Building Positive Behavior project will help mold and shape our future leaders! PBIS builds a common language in my classroom which allows every student to take ownership and be involved with their learning. Without a doubt, I will have 25 over the moon students! I appreciate you all so much.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Delatori
This classroom project was brought to life by Hawai'i State Department of Education.