Past projects 4
Empowering Our Kids by Powering Their Tech!
Funded Jan 14, 2025Thanks for always thinking of teachers and helping us out with our yearly needs. Everything we do is only possible by the continued support that we receive outside of the school walls. Thanks again, and know that we all appreciate every donation, no matter the amount! It means the world to us!”
With gratitude,
Coach Davis
The Pro To help Them Go Pro!
Funded Oct 10, 2023Thank you so much for your willingness to help out our athletes. Volleyball is a sport that I’m very excited to bring to our school and I can’t wait to be able to start. This is such a great tool to get us started. Thanks again for your donation!”
With gratitude,
Coach Davis
Freedom to Focus!
Funded Nov 14, 2022My students actually thought this was really cool and I haven't had any issues with them griping that they have to put their phones up. They come in, drop them off, and then don't worry about them until class is over! I strongly believe this was the best step I could have taken for these classes. They are all Freshmen so if they can get in the habit of putting their phones away now, maybe they will continue this throughout their enture high school career! Thank you so much for funding this project. I believe this might be the best addition to my room so far!”
With gratitude,
Coach Davis
This classroom project was brought to life by Livia and Biz Stone.Calculators for All!
Funded Mar 9, 2022Obviously in Algebra and any other math class we frequently use calculators to help students with their work. Not all students can afford the calculators that we use so it is great to be able to loan them out.
It has been a great to have a personal printer due to our school printer having so many issues. It was almost daily that our school printer was jammed or not functioning properly.
Thank you to everyone who donated and helped make this year a success. As schools struggle to find funds, it has been a blessing to have people that care enough to donate!”
With gratitude,
Coach Davis