Freedom Eagles: How Does Your Garden Grow

Funded Nov 3, 2022

My PK thru 6th graders enjoyed the gardening raised beds, tools, and books. We first did some research from the Almanacs about gardening and best time for planting. We waited until the chance of frost was gone until we planted some seeds outside in the beds. Now after thinking about it we should have started earlier inside.

The students did use the garden tools for another outside purpose. They went on a field trip to dig celunite crystals and had such a good time digging in the sand. Therefor I sent a picture of one of the kids on that trip.

The 5-6 graders put the raised planting beds together in the library. They worked in groups and it took them a couple days. Each class planted some seeds 3/4 graders beans and corn probably grew best. It turned into one of their science projects.

The youngest kids probably got the most excited when their seeds came up. That is them in the picture looking at their radishes and lettuce.

Thank you again for donating to our Gardening project.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Province