Past projects 1
Support 100+ Bright, Resilient Emerging Bilingual Students develop language skills!
Funded Feb 8, 2022This classroom project was brought to life by Panda Cares and one other donor.
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The number of Emerging Bilingual students is on the rise in the U.S. Lexia Learning reports that “The number of emergent bilinguals…has nearly doubled - to about 5 million, roughly 10% of all students in our public schools. By 2025, emergent bilinguals are projected to account for 25% of the total K-12 enrollment in the U.S.” That means that in just 3 years, the number of Emerging Bilinguals in the public school system of the U.S. is going to absolutely soar! In order to support all of my Emerging Bilingual students, from newcomer, to early reader, to those expanding their vocabulary and communication skills, my classroom is in need of bilingual books, matching/sorting/sequencing games, and other various manipulatives. One of the greatest challenges young Emergent Bilingual students face among the pandemic is developing fine motor skills and early literacy skills simultaneously. Too many young Emerging Bilingual students start school possessing little to no prior knowledge of the English language. Often their families do not fluently speak/understand the same language in which they are taught all their subjects in school and therefore, may not understand how to best promote the development of language and literacy skills since their native language is different from that of their child’s teacher/school. This is not necessarily a disadvantage, as multilingualism is a gift!, but it does present its own unique challenges when developing another language while simultaneously learning the ins and outs of a public school system. The majority of the funding received through DonorsChoose would benefit these emerging bilinguals.