Past projects 1
Let’s Have a Seat!
Funded Aug 15, 2022
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My students are absolutely fabulous workers. They love to be independent and take learning into their own hands. However, sitting at a desk all day is very tiring and monotonous for even the most focused student (and for teachers too)! Currently, my students have opportunities to use clipboards and find a spot on the floor to sit. Our classroom has tile floors and that can also be uncomfortable. It would be amazing if my students had their choice if seating! When students are given choices, they become more independent and successful! They learn what works best for them and they begin to take learning into their own hands. I have found that my students want to be successful. If they are comfortable, they are able to stay focused and finish their task. Having comfortable seating would help my students have choices in their learning. Our classroom is like our home. My students deserve to have a variety of seating and a place to make their own.