Past projects 1
The Heat Is On!
Funded Feb 12, 2022
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One of the main topics in 7th-grade science is thermal energy. The students are challenged to "apply scientific principles of energy and heat transfer to design, construct, and test a device to minimize or maximize thermal energy transfer" (MA Science and Technology Engineering Framework). This thermal camera will allow the kids to "see" thermal energy as they learn about the effects of insulation on heat transfer. In this project, the students build cardboard houses and heat them using handwarmer packs as a "furnace." They measure the temperatures inside the houses over a 20-minute period. Then they use various materials to add insulation to their houses and retest the temperatures to see the difference. I have shown them videos of actual home energy inspections using thermal imaging cameras to identify leaks, and the students are completely fascinated. If we can get this thermal camera, we will be able to use it with our houses to see temperature differences and heat leaks.