Past projects 1
Can You Hear It?
Funded Jan 28, 2022This classroom project was brought to life by Utah State Board of Education.
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The title of my project is, "Can You Hear It?" because blended learning has become an everyday occurrence in the classroom due to COVID-19. The materials for my project will be used daily to help students focus when they work on their chromebooks and have a quality experience each day without cheaper headphones breaking and them not being able to hear the programs that we are using. Due to COVID-19, students need to be able to learn in an environment that caters to helping them focus and excel during independent work time. The programs that our school uses help me to adapt instruction to each student while their work on their computers. With the headphones that we have now, students are able to hear the sound from other computers and can become distracting. They also lose sound frequently due to the quality of the headphones. Having new headphones would help them focus and succeed during this work time.