Past projects 1
Create Those Projects
Funded Jan 23, 2022This classroom project was brought to life by Utah State Board of Education.
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Students need to have something to look forward to in school. Helping students create items that they see in their everyday life. With a 3D printer I can help extend with those students who understanding coding. I would like to be able to give my students who are at home a motivation to come to school. When we are learning about different planets it would be awesome if students would be able to create a planet that they research. Students in my area experience the Hot Air Balloon festival over the summer so it is an awesome connection for them. Students create Hot Air Balloons twice a year. The first time we create them it is warmer and students don't have very much background knowledge of the why yet. The second time students get to create these Hot Air Balloons it is cooler and students have learned about density.