Past projects 1
Letters & Sounds & Words, Oh My!
Funded Jan 23, 2022This classroom project was brought to life by Utah State Board of Education.
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My first graders' favorite time of the school day is Small Group Reading Instruction with the teacher. Honestly, it is my favorite time of day too. Not only do they love getting individual attention from their teacher and working closely with their peers, but they just love of reading. I believe that love is cultivated through intentional and engaging instruction from a teacher who loves reading herself. I believe that if I can make reading fun, I make a reader out of any student. These literacy supplies will help to make small group reading instruction fun and engaging for all my students, no matter their skill level. I meet with a few students at a time to practice and perfect reading skills they already know and to teach them new ones they are so excited to learn. My first graders will be able to practice sounds in words with games and flashcards, practice their decoding skills by reading leveled texts and commemorate their achievements by capturing them in photos. We love to take pictures to celebrate our learning and hang them throughout our classroom. It provides such a sense of belonging and community to my students. I am excited to have a camera that instantly prints pictures with my literacy supplies. My students will love celebrating their reading successes by taking pictures and hanging them above our reading table!