Past projects 1
Brilliant Books for Brilliant Students
Funded Jan 29, 2022This classroom project was brought to life by Utah State Board of Education.
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My current classroom library is more than a decade old, cobbled together from yard sales and a used-book drive. Nearly every book has been read multiple times, and things are looking pretty shabby. My students need and want books that are new and obviously purchased just for them. My library shelves used to be a happening place, with books constantly moving in and out, but the appeal is gone. If you're thinking physical books aren't needed anymore because we live in the Information Age, let me tell you that my students read better, longer, and more deeply with a book they can touch and feel. By high school, too many students have lost a love of reading. The best way, to rekindle that lost flame, is by providing a wide selection of shiny, new books with intriguing and inviting covers. In short -- new and relevant books! Two of the anchor standards for reading in the ELA Utah State Core are for students to read literature and literary non-fiction on grade level independently and proficiently. Having a robust, inviting, and engaging library of books in my classroom, at arm's reach, is the best way to help my students gain proficiency. Choosing, reading, and discussing a book is a perfect example of self-directed, independent learning. There is nothing as wonderful as hearing about a student and the many adventures they've been on through the books they've read!