Literacy and Diversity Coming Together

Funded Aug 2, 2023

Each day we do centers and we do hands on learning experiences. Today we pulled out the alphabet puzzles for one center and their faces lite up. The puzzles seem simple for us but it was challenging for some of my students. It is challenging to the point where they are able to achieve success overtime. As my students pick a puzzle they look at the pictures and they identify what it is and what the letter is, and what the beginning sound is that are in common.

My students get so excited every time a new box with new materials show up to our room. First thing we do is open the box together. Then we pull everything out. I lay it out on the table and my students look and see what item with catch their eye and ask for that item.

The next steps for my students are to use the materials each week and focus on one letter at a time (capital and lowercase). We will be using the letter puzzles, the letter games and the letter boards at three different centers so they are getting triple exposure and three times more opportunities to master letter and sound recognition. Thank you so donating and giving to my kiddos.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Packer