Past projects 1
Life Skills
Funded Feb 24, 2022
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Our classroom has recently been given the opportunity to expand our program into another room. This will allow our students who need more support with life skills, fine and gross motor movements, and sensory needs to have an area that is targeted directly to their unique abilities and interests. The specific items in this DonorsChoose will give our students a room designed to help them maximize their potential and help them generalize the skills needed to be successful in all areas of life. This DonorsChoose also allows my students to be able to explore self regulation with exciting light tables, sensory bins, and flexible seating options. Self regulation is such a vital skill that does not come easy and must be taught to my students in order to be successful and maximize their independence. These items help us to integrate sensory based learning within their academic lessons. Working on their engagement while strengthening fine and gross motor needs.