Past projects 1
Culture and Geography
Funded May 12, 2023Thank you so much for your very generous donations! My students are in a small, substantially separate classroom and benefit from visual and hands-on learning. Wityour help, I have been able to make my classroom not only warm and inviting, but visually stimulating as well. This year, we are studing Ancient Civilizations and we now have posters decorating the walls with each civilization we are studying. Within those posters, we learn about technologies, inventions, languages, daily life, and the government of each civilization. We also learn how we as a current society have benefitted from these past cultures.
It is so important to me that students are able to learn from many differnt sources, and the materials that you provided give them access to those various sources. Students are able to get up and walk around the classroom, get a movement break in, and really see and understand what they are learning about.
So far this year, we have dug fossils, made cave art, created clay cuneiforms (a style of ancient writing), and learned about the many advnaces of ancient societies. I cannot thank you enough for helping me give my studnets so many opportunities to learn!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Flaherty
This classroom project was brought to life by A family that cares about teachers and 7 other donors.