Past projects 1
Classroom Posters and Chromebooks for Students in Need!
Funded Oct 26, 2021This classroom project was brought to life by Nevada Department of Education.
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These Chromebooks will help the students in my classroom who do not have a Chromebook assigned to them, forgot the charger for the day, or have a Chromebook that is old or broken. Every day I have at least one student per period, who does not have a functional chromebook or laptop to use for that day's lesson. Those students waste their time and my time, trying to get their equipment to work. With your generosity, I will be able to have Chromebooks that are charged and ready to go every day, every period, to help every student I want to help every student in my classroom learn, regardless of their economic status. And with these Chromebooks, I will be able to help them stay up to speed with the work we're doing in this technology-driven classroom. The posters will serve as motivators and inspiration for students who are disadvantaged or identity as an underrepresented minority group. For example, Maya Angelou is a fantastic poet who was also an African-American. Einstein is one of the greatest scientists, who is also a Jewish immigrant. These posters allow students to see inspirational figures, read their inspiring words, and give me talking points to stress the importance of our diversity. I am also asking for Bobo doll that will serve as an important demonstrational model in my class. One of the most important studies we talk about all year is Albert Bandura's research on observational learning. He used an innocuous children's toy, a Bobo doll, to study that children will emulate hostile behavior from an authority figure. This "bozo the clown doll" becomes a vital demonstration tool for my students to see Bandura's work come alive through proxy.