Rube Goldberg Building

Funded Feb 10, 2022

My classroom has made a drastic turn when it comes to the students being actively involved. Each day we have a different task to accomplish using the materials that were donated such as using precision to set up blocks, using straws to construct complex shapes, building simple machines using legos, and the list goes on. Every hands-on activity we do begins with or leads to some form of research. The materials are used as a rewarding end to completing research, so the students look forward to finishing research or pen and paper assignments so they can get to doing the hands-on projects.

The first day that the students saw all the materials come in, they all had an unexplainable joy all over their faces. Before even having a talk about how things would go regarding the items we received, they already knew that behavior and attentiveness had to be top priority before they have the privilege of handling any of the materials.

We as a class are so grateful and hope that we can share more moments with the materials as well. We will continue to work with science-related projects when using the materials to enhance a higher level of thinking.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Rixner