Ready! Set! Lead!

Funded Oct 21, 2021

Thank you so much for your support of our campus' student council leadership initiative! We kicked off our Leader In me book study with a student-led discussion on accountability and integrity. Our student leaders reflected on their personal choices and how their choices reflect those two characteristics. We (the sponsors), then, guided another discussion on creating good habits and changing bad habits. From there, we let the students run with their ideas!

Our student leaders have used the Leader In Me activity books to expand on concepts presented, such as paradigms and principals, by planning and leading interactive and engaging activities for the rest of our student council. For example, our student leaders explored paradigms with an activity involving optical illusions. Most recently, our student leaders introduced the first habit: Be Proactive. They led a discussion giving examples and non-examples of being proactive in their daily lives--both inside and outside of school. They even created a life-size Circle of Control activity based on the Leader in Me activity book, where each student council member shared personal instances when they have control (and can be proactive) and when they do not have control (and must be reactive).

All of our student council members have either actively planned and participated in the discussions and activities. Their creativity, humility, self-reflection, honesty, and ability to connect within our leadership community have been inspiring!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Caldwell