Past projects 1
Help Us Strengthen Our Learning with Flexible Options
Funded Apr 29, 2022
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Flexible seating gives my students the chance to take charge of their learning. By giving them this option it gives them the opportunity to work in different areas in the classroom during independent and centers time. It also makes our teacher center more accommodating. This helps them to be more productive, engaged and comfortable while working on their assignments, and it also helps because there are fewer disruptions. They are able to choose different areas of the classroom to get comfortable in so that they can work at ease. Fewer disruptions mean better behavior in the classroom, which is a huge bonus. All the products I chose will help by giving my students more effective learning options. The wobble stools give the option of movement, the cushions give the option of choosing a floor space and the portable lap desks give the option of writing anywhere in the classroom. Our teaching easel means students can participate in the teacher center and be able to show what they know and have learned. I have seen other teachers use flexible seating with great success, and I am hoping I can do the same for my students.